How to use?

The guide has been designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy to navigate and understand. Here are the key points:

1⃣ Here are the theoretical blocks that will enhance your understanding of memory techniques and aid in your learning process.

Step 1.png

2⃣ To open it just click:

Step 2.png

3⃣ Inside this chapter, first you will be introduced to the theoretical aspect of the topic, followed by the chance to apply the new methods in practice.

Step 3.png

4⃣ You'll find a user-friendly layout designed to enhance your navigation experience. Simply click on the toggles to open specific topics of interest.

Step 4.png

5⃣ After finishing chapter, mark it as done

Step 5.png

6⃣ This guide provides recommendations for the order of each task, but keep in mind that these are just suggestions. Feel free to read at your own comfortable pace.

Step 6.png